Embark on intergalactic adventures with the Disney Lightyear Movie Imaginext XL-15 Spaceship Toy! Inspired by Disney Pixar's film Lightyear, this 15-inch-long toy spaceship comes complete with a Buzz Lightyear figure, ready to take on daring space missions. Designed with dynamic features, this spaceship promises an immersive play experience for young space enthusiasts.
HYPERSPEED FLIGHT MODE: Press the button to activate and pop out the light-up engines, propelling the spaceship into hyperspeed flight mode.
ACTION-PACKED PLAY: Engage in thrilling battles by pressing the trigger to unleash lights, authentic action sounds, and launch projectiles. The set includes 2 projectiles for endless fun.
MOTION-ACTIVATED SOUNDS: Enhance imaginative play with motion-activated sounds that respond as kids "fly" the ship up, down, or side to side, making each adventure feel real.
RECOMMENDED AGE: Suitable for children aged 3 years and up.
BATTERY REQUIREMENTS: Requires batteries for light and sound features (batteries included).
GREAT GIFT: Perfect for young fans of Lightyear and the broader Toy Story universe, encouraging imaginative play and storytelling.
Set the stage for epic space adventures with Buzz Lightyear and his XL-15 Spaceship. Whether battling foes or exploring new galaxies, this toy promises hours of engaging and imaginative play.